©b55r AD HOC 139
(Hereinafter Referred To As The "Company")
(Hereinafter Referred To As The "Union")
Section 112 Investigator: Brian Foley
Appearing For The Company: D.Pysh, D.Sawchuk, A.Shannon
Appearing For The Union: C. Mulhall,R. Sharpe
Date Of Meeting With The Parties: October 21, 1983, at Vancouver,
Date Of Written Report: October 28, 1983
Issue: Collective Agreement Interpretation - Article 120, Full Crew
©b69r I
By agreement between the Company and the Union, the undersigned was
appointed under Section 112 of the B.C. Labour Code to investigate
grievances and make written recommendations to the parties for their
resolution. In September 1983, the parties requested a
recommendation with respect to the interpretation of the collective
agreement provision, Article 120, Full Crew. A meeting with the
parties was held in Vancouver on October 21, 1983. At this meeting,
the parties agreed that the grievance investigator was properly
constituted and had the jurisdiction to deal with the matter in
dispute. In addition, the parties agreed that the investigator's
recommendations would be final and binding.
©b67r II
The facts in the present case are not in dispute. On March 20, 1982,
Engine 705 became derailed in the Lillooet yard. The Company decided
to leave the rerailing of Engine 705 until March 21, 1982.
While the train remained derailed, a train arrived at the Lillooet
yard from North Vancouver. The conductor of the train, R.
Steininger, and his two trainmen, T. O'Connor and R. Reece, noticed
that Engine 705 was derailed and they did not book out in the event
that they might be required to rerail the engine.
Early in the morning of March 21, 1983, the Company attempted to
call a train and engine crew consisting of one foreman, two helpers
and one engineman to assist in rerailing Engine 705. The Company
could not obtain a full crew so the trainmen who had been called were
cancelled and the Company instead assigned two enginemen to assist
in the rerailing process. Subsequently, Engine 705 was rerailed and
the two enginemen took the engine to the Lillooet shop.
As the result of the Company's decision to use two enginemen for the
rerailing process, Steininger, O'Connor and Reece filed grievances
claiming eight hours' pay. Their grievances stated as follows:
" Available for duty at Lillooet while an Engine (705) and
car rerailed with an engine crew and no train crew. Claiming
eight hours."
The Company rejected the grievance on the basis that "no train crew
was required for this move".
The issue has remained in dispute between the parties until the
present date.
©b66r III
The Union argues that the Company's action of using two enginemen for
the rerailing process was in contravention of Article 120 of the
Collective agreement. That Article is entitled "Full Crew" and it
provides as follows:
" Unless otherwise provided in this agreement, a train crew
will consist of not less than one Conductor and two Brakemen
in all classes of service."
The Union argues that since a full crew was not used for the
rerailing process, the full crew that was available for duty (i.e.,
Steininger, O'Connor and Reece) were entitled to eight hours' pay
pursuant to Clause 209(c)(i) of the collective agreement. That
clause provides as follows:
" Crews in unassigned service will be run first in first out
of terminals on their respective subdivision except as
otherwise provided. The first out crew, ready for duty,
runaround, will be paid eight (8) hours for each runaround
retaining their original standing on train board."
It is submitted that two enginemen are only normally used by the
Company for pusher service or for light engine service. Otherwise, a
full crew is used pursuant to Article 120 since "work service" is
being performed. The Union argues that the rerailing process has
been historically regarded as work service and a full crew has been
utilized. Furthermore, it is submitted that the specific duties
performed in the rerailing of Engine 705 in the Lillooet yard were
duties normally and historically performed by the Union's members.
In the Union's view, that argument is supported by the fact that the
Company made a substantial effort to obtain a full crew for the
rerailing before resorting to using two enginemen.
©b67r IV
The Company acknowledges that the collective agreement provides that
the Union has exclusive jurisdiction in certain circumstances to
handle trains and boxcars. But the Company argues that the rerailing
of engines is not one of the exclusive right situations dealt with
in the collective agreement. It is submitted that the Company's
collective agreement obligations with its other unions deal with many
of the same work assignments as those dealt with in the Union's
collective agreement. Furthermore, the Company argues that the
members of the other unions have been used for rerailing work in
the past.
The Company states that the collective agreement is silent on the
matter of rerailing of cars and engines. Therefore, the Union does
not have exclusive jurisdiction to that work and work assignments
relating to rerailing can be allocated at the discretion of the
©b68r V
In assessing the merits of the arguments of the parties, I have paid
particular attention to the wording in the collective agreement as a
whole. The provisions of the various articles and clauses have not
been considered in isolation but in the context of all of the
provisions in the entire agreement. I have considered the wording in
Article 120 against the wording in other articles and clauses and
have come to the conclusion that its effect is limited. It is not an
exclusive jurisdiction provision since it does not prescribe the
circumstances under which a full crew will be utilized. It merely
prescribes that ©u4rwhen a train crew is required, it will consist of not
less than one Conductor and two Brakemen. Some of the circumstances
under which a train crew is required are prescribed in other sections
of the collective agreement. But there is no provision in the
collective agreement which prescribes that a train crew comprising
the Union's members is required for rerailing work. That being the
case, the Company retains the prerogative to assign the rerailing
work as it sees fit. In fact, the Company has operated on that basis
in the past assigning rerailing work that had to be done to members
of the various unions. The Union does not have any exclusive right
to rerailing work either through provisions in the collective
agreement or through prevailing past practice.
The foregoing being said, however, I have concluded that the
grievances of Steininger, O'Connor and Reece must succeed. That
conclusion is based on the cumulative effect of a number of factors
which are particular to this case. First, there was a train crew
available in Lillooet when the rerailing was to take place. Second,
the Company initially decided to call in a train crew but opted !or
the two enginemen only as a second resort. Third, the duties
performed by the two enginemen encompassed duties and
responsibilities which would normally be performed by the Union's
In summary, the grievances succeed and the three employees will be
paid eight hours' pay. However, my decision in this regard is based
on the very particular factors surrounding the rerailment at
Lillooet in March 1982. It should not be interpreted in any way as
support for the proposition that the Union has exclusive
jurisdiction over rerailing work. In my view, the rerailment work is
not the exclusive jurisdiction of any union and the Company retains
the prerogative of any union and the Company retains the prerogative
to assign such work as it deems appropriate in the circumstances at
All of which is respectfully submitted.
Dated at Vancouver, British Columbia, this 28th day of October, 1983.