AH 298
(the "Company')
- and -
ARBITRATOR: Michel G. Picher
APPEARING FOR THE COMPANY: M. Hughes - System Labour
Officer, Montreal
D.C. St. Cyr - Manager, Labour
D. Gignac - System Labour
Officer, Montreal
Y. Lemieux - Manager, S & C
Installations -
East, Montreal
D. Laurendeau - Regional Labour
Officer, Montreal
APPEARING FOR THE UNION: A.G. Cunningham - Senior System
General Chairman
J.E. Platt - International
A hearing in this matter was held in Montreal on January 27, 1992.
This is a grievance in respect of reimbursement for overnight
accommodation expenses. The Union claims, on behalf of its members,
entitlement to single occupancy accommodation for employees required
to work away from their headquarters. The Company maintains that
reimbursement for double occupancy is reasonable in the
circumstances, having regard to the nature of the duties of the
employees involved. The parties to the dispute, dispute and joint
statement of issue filed at the hearing are as follows:
©b22rParties to the Dispute
The parties before the Arbitrator are the Canadian National
Railway Company, hereinafter referred to as the Company, and
the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers,
hereinafter referred to as the Brotherhood.
The dispute referred to the Arbitrator involves employees
covered by Agreement 11.1 between the Company and the
Canadian Signals and Communications Union (now known as the
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Council 11),
governing the services of S&C Foremen, S&C Senior
Technicians, S&C Technicians, S&C Testmen, S&C Leading
Maintainers, S&C Leading Mechanics, S&C Maintainers, S&C
Mechanics, S&C Assistants, S&C Linemen, S&C Apprentices and
S&C Helpers.
Certain employees were refused full reimbursement of expenses
for single occupancy room accommodations.
©b24rJoint Statement of Issue
The Brotherhood contends that under the provisions of Article
8 of Agreement 11.1 between the Canadian National Railway
Company and the International Brotherhood of Electrical
Workers, employees are entitled to the reimbursement of
single occupancy accommodation expenses.
The Company denies the Union's contentions.
There is no controversy as to the facts. The employees represented
by the Union are involved in the installation, inspection and
maintenance of the Company's signal and communication systems. A
substantial part of the work performed by the employees is,
necessarily, on the road, away from their headquarters. Article 8.2
of the collective agreement governs the entitlement of employees to
expenses for meals and lodging and provides as follows:
8.2 (a)
Employees required to remain away from their headquarters or
boarding cars overnight will be paid reasonable expenses for
meals and lodging which they necessarily incur.
Employees with no headquarters who are required to be absent
from their place of residence overnight will be paid
reasonable expenses for meals and lodging which they
necessarily incur.
The instant grievance arises as a result of a claim filed on the St.
Lawrence Region, when a number of employees of the Installation
Department submitted expense accounts for hotel accommodation
pursuant to article 8.2(b) claiming compensation for overnight
lodgings on the basis of single room occupancy. The Company states
that its policy, as regards the classification of employees
concerned, is to limit compensation for double occupancy, absent
extraordinary circumstances. This, it maintains, is in keeping with
the standard of "reasonable expenses" as contemplated in article 8.2.
It is common ground that as long ago as 1924 the Company supplied its
signals employees with boarding car accommodations. By the early
1970s these were known as the "red fleet" and "white fleet". The
red fleet consisted of former CN passenger cars converted to
accommodate eight employees, six of whom slept in bunk beds in the
same section of the car. White fleet accommodations are described as
more elaborate, having improved accommodations whereby employees were
lodged two to a bedroom, with six employees occupying a car with
three bedrooms.
The Company commenced to phase out the boarding car accommodations
for signals and communications employees on the St. Lawrence region
in or about 1972. Initially, thereafter, all employees, including
foremen, shared hotel or motel sleeping accommodations on the basis
of two employees per room. Over time, because the foreman was
required to perform paperwork in the evening after normal working
hours, the Company extended single occupancy to foremen in the
bargaining unit. That practice continues to the present. It is also
common ground that in the circumstance of one woman working in a
crew, single occupancy is also provided. In addition, where the
crew, with the exception of the foreman, is comprised of an odd
number of employees, one of the employees, presumably on the basis
of seniority, would be allowed single occupancy accommodation.
During the course of the hearing one further refinement of the
general practice emerged. The Company's representatives confirm
that under article 8.2 single occupancy accommodation is deemed a
reasonable expense for signals and communication testmen, whether
they are working alone or in the company of other employees. This,
it was explained, is deemed reasonable within the meaning of article
8.2 because of the paperwork and reports which |testmen are also
required to complete. Further, there appears to be little dispute
that single occupancy accommodation is provided to technicians,
leading maintainers and maintainers who, as a general rule, work
The Union's material, points, in part, to a letter of complaint,
filed by two testmen on the mountain region, dated December 10, 1991,
alleging that they were denied single occupancy accommodation by
reason of an alleged change in the Company's policy. While that
complaint is not part of the grievance before me, it would appear on
the face of the representations made by the Company at the hearing
that the general interpretation of article 8.2 which the Company
applies in respect of testmen would confirm that they are, indeed,
entitled to single occupancy accommodation. On the preponderance of
the evidence, however, a different conclusion is suggested with
respect to employees of the installation department below the rank of
foreman. There is no evidence, nor indeed any substantiated
representation, before the Arbitrator to suggest that single
accommodation has ever been the norm for those employees, save in the
exceptional circumstances described above.
As part of its submission the Union suggests that article 8.2 should
be interpreted in light of what it describes as the current
acceptable norm in Canada of single occupancy for employees required
to be away from home overnight. With that submission the arbitrator
has some difficulty. Firstly, within the railway industry, double
accommodation appears to have been the norm, not only within the
instant bargaining unit but within the bargaining unit of the
Brotherhood of Maintenance of Way Employees who work in similar
circumstances, albeit they perform different work. There is,
moreover, no evidence to substantiate a general practice within
Canadian industry to support the position argued by the Union. In
the Arbitrator's experience, apart from the instances cited above, in
many areas of employment, up to and including highly paid
professional athletes, double occupancy is the norm of overnight
accommodation unless otherwise specifically negotiated. Within the
railway industry, an example of such a negotiated provision is to be
found within the collective agreement between the Company and the
United Transportation Union, which represents employees in the
running trades. Article 51.9 of collective agreement 4.16 governing
those employees provides, in part, as follows:
51.9 (a)
When accommodations are to be provided en route, such
quarters shall be clean and sanitary. When available at the
location, single room occupancy shall be provided. In
determining the facilities where trainmen are to be
accommodated, preference win be given to accommodations where
eating facilities are available; when not available, the
Company will provide, arrange or reimburse the trainmen for
transportation to an eating facility at that location.
Claims for authorized transportation expenses must be
submitted on CN Form 3140B accompanied by receipts.
(emphasis added)
What, then, does the material before the Arbitrator disclose? The
evidence is uncontroverted that for many years the general practice
has been to provide double occupancy accommodation for employees in
the classification of the employees in the installation department,
on whose behalf the grievance has been progressed. There appears to
be no dispute that under the proper interpretation of article 8.2
foremen, technicians, leading maintainers, maintainers and testmen
are to be compensated at the rate for single occupancy accommodation.
There is, however, no evidence to support a practice, or a common
intention, that employees in the classifications of those who are the
subject of this grievance have ever been entitled to such
accommodation. On the contrary, long-standing practice points to the
opposite conclusion, namely that "reasonable expenses" for lodging
for such employees has, without apparent protest from the Union, for
many years been deemed to mean double occupancy accommodation, in
other than exceptional circumstances.
The general approach which is appropriate in a case of this kind is,
in my view, reflected in the following passage in ©b10rCROA 1930:
... As is well established in the prior decision of this
office, when a given interpretation of a collective agreement
has been knowingly applied between the parties, without
objection or grievance over a substantial number of years
spanning the renegotiation and renewal of the Collective
Agreement in unchanged terms, the parties are taken to accept
their established interpretation as part of their agreement,
and the union which has acquiesced in the interpretation so
applied cannot assert some different interpretation by means
of a grievance. By the renewal of the Collective Agreement
without change, in the knowledge of the interpretation
applied to Article 10 of the Job Security Agreement by the
Company over many years, the parties have effectively agreed
that interpretation into the terms of their collective
agreement. Any change with respect to the established
interpretation is a matter to be resolved in bargaining.
The Arbitrator is satisfied that the general practice, for many
years, which has been consistently acquiesced in by the Union, has
been for employees of the classification of those who initiated the
grievance to be compensated at the rates for double occupancy
accommodation. I am satisfied, for all of the reasons related, that
that is a reasonable interpretation and application of the language
of article 8.2 to the circumstances of the case at hand. It would,
in my view, require specific language, of the kind negotiated between
the United Transportation Union and the Company, to prove that the
parties intended some different interpretation or application of that
provision, save in the case of the higher classifications which are,
by the Company's own admission, entitled to single occupancy
For these reasons the grievance must be dismissed.
DATED at Toronto this 3rd day of February, 1992.
Michel G. Picher - Arbitrator