TUESDAY, JULY 16, 2024 / MARDI LE 16 JUILLET, 2024


Dispute between CNR and TCRC-CTY-C concerning dismissal of J.G. for non-compliance with the Continuing Employment Contract and Relapse Prevention Agreement. COUNSEL)


Dispute between CNR and TCRC-CTY-C concerning C.B. and alleged violation of Articles 51, 85, and 85.5 when they were not off duty until 0210, some 35 minutes past the time his rest was due to commence. (COUNSEL)


Dispute between ALSTOM and TCRC concerning N.S. and a 30 day suspension for alleged rule violation of Rule 564; and a 60 day suspension for alleged rule violation 104.  (COUNSEL)


Dispute between CPKCR and TCRC-CTY-E concerning M.N. and the assessment of a 20-day suspension for alleged shoving of track without verification of the rail end of the movement which resulted in shoving of track on the west lead and into PPZ. (COUNSEL)


Dispute between CPKCR and TCRC-CTY-E concerning the dismissal of M.N. for allegedly leaving company property prior to the end of the completion of their tour of duty. (COUNSEL)



Dispute between CPKCR and TCRC-LE-W concerning J.D. and the assessment of a 30-day suspension for violation of Company’s Alcohol and Drug Policy HR203, Procedure HR203.2, and 29-day Cannabis Ban. (COUNSEL)




Dispute between CPKCR and TCRC-LE-W concerning J.D. and the assessment of dismissal following the required unannounced substance testing and the positive alcohol test results, while subject to duty. (COUNSEL)


Dispute between CPKCR and USW-1976 concerning the dismissal of R.A. following Motor Vehicle Accident they departed the property without authorization, thereby failing to participate in Post-Incident testing.


Dispute between CPKCR and USW-1976. Resolved.


Dispute between CPKCR and MWED concerning the dismissal of L.C. following the investigation which determined they had fallen asleep while operating the Ballast Regulator, failed to protect the crossing, and failed to stop to give traffic on the road the right of way.


TUESDAY, JUNE 11, 2024 / MARDI LE 11 JUIN, 2024


Dispute between CNR and TCRC-CTY-C concerning the violation of Articles 6.5, 85 of the 4.16 Collective Agreement along with the Extended Run Principles when Conductor T.M. was not notified of the point to where he was being called on November 5, 2015.  COUNSEL)


Dispute between CNR and TCRC-CTY-W concerning the policy grievance on behalf of all Conductors, Trainpersons, and Yardpersons of Winnipeg, MB regarding the violation of the CEMR Interchange Understanding, and the rulings issued in CROA&DR 3719 and subsequent supplementary award.  (COUNSEL)


Dispute between CNR and TCRC-CTY-W concerning a policy and remedy grievance on behalf of CN Conductors, Assistant Conductors, and Yard Service Employees of Western Canada, specifically in Saskatoon, SK regarding the Company’s violation of Article 44 of the 4.3 Agreement. (COUNSEL)



Dispute between CPKCR and USW-1976 concerning the alleged past practice surrounding the meal period time allowance at the Vaughan IMS Terminal in Vaughan, Ontario. (COUNSEL)


Dispute between CPKCR and TCRC-CTY-W concerning J.M. and the assessment of a 10-day suspension for using improper radio communication while working on 119-27, a violation of Rule book for T&E Employees Section 4.1 (c), CROR General Notice, CROR General Rule A (i)(iii)(vi)(xi). (COUNSEL)


Dispute between CPKCR and TCRC-CTY-W concerning J.M. and the assessment of 30-demerits for missing a scheduled investigation, a violation of the T&E Availability Standard.  (COUNSEL)


Dispute between CPKCR and TCRC-CTY-W concerning J.M. and the assessment of 20-demerits for booking sick out of Kenora, a violation of the T&E Availability Standard MBO-026-17. (COUNSEL)


Dispute between CPKCR and TCRC-CTY-W concerning J.M. and the assessment of 30-demerits and subsequent dismissal for accumulation of demerits. For two missed calls a violation of the T&E Availability Standards. Dismissal for an accumulation of 105-demerits under the Hybrid Discipline and Accountability Guidelines. (COUNSEL)

THURSDAY, JUNE 13, 2024 / JEUDI LE 13 JUIN, 2024


Dispute between CPKCR and TCRC-LE-W concerning B.T. and the assessment of a 40-day suspension (30-days served and 10-days deferred) and a warning letter  for failing to be on the ground and in position to do a proper pull by inspection on train 100-14, a violation of Rule Book for T&E Employees, 11.7 Inspecting Passing Movements. (COUNSEL)


Dispute between CPKCR and TCRC-LE-W concerning the dismissal of B.T. for failure to protect the point, resulting in shove movement through previously run through east end track 2 switch, causing a derailment at track 3 switch in Broadview Yard. A violation of T&E Safety Rule Book, T-0 Job Briefing, Rule Book for T&E Employees, Section 12.3 Shoving Equipment. (COUNSEL)


Dispute between CPKCR and TCRC-CTY-E concerning A.B. and the assessment of 40-day suspension in two parts (a) for failure to protect the point while shoving a movement as observed by Trainmaster U. Violation of T&E Section 12-Switching, 12.3 Shoving Equipment. And (b) controlling of a movement while inside the cab of a Kubota, as observed by Superintendent M.  (COUNSEL)


Dispute between CPKCR and TCRC-CTY-E concerning A.B. and the assessment of 30-demreits and dismissal for failure to properly notify engineer intent to detrain moving equipment. A violation of T&E Safety Rule Book, T-11 Entraining and Detraining Equipment. As well as being dismissed for an accumulation of demerits under the Hybrid Discipline and Accountability Guidelines. (COUNSEL)


Dispute between CPKCR and TCRC-CTY-E concerning A.B. and the assessment of a second dismissal for crossing over stationary multi-level cars. A violation of T&E Safety Rule Book T-8 Crossing Over or between Equipment. Based on previous discipline history, this incident also constitutes a culminating incident which warrants dismissal. (COUNSEL).


TUESDAY, MAY 14, 2024 / MARDI LE 14 MAI, 2024


Dispute between CNR and TCRC-CTY-C concerning the dismissal of R.M. who was operating train X37631 20 which was involved in a collision with an EXO train at mile 135.8 on the CN St. Laurent Sub.  (COUNSEL)


Litige entre CNR et TCRC-LE-E concernant le congédiement de F.C. pour une violation de la règle 439. (COUNSEL)


Dispute between CNR and TCRC-LE-E – Resolved between the parties after the submission exchange.


Dispute between CNR and TCRC-CTY-W – Postponed between the parties until October 2024.

WEDNESDAY, MAY 15,  2024 / MERCREDI LE 15 MAI, 2024


Dispute between CMQR and USW-1976 concerning the employer offering a signing bonus to newly hired train Conductors, which the Union argues is a violation of Articles 2.0 and 3.0 of the CMQ USW Collective Agreement. (COUNSEL)


Dispute between CPKCR and MWED concerning the Company’s decision to change the lunch periods of the grievor’s, the Eastern Region Work Equipment Maintainers working in the Work Equipment shops in Sudbury, Toronto and Montreal. (COUNSEL)


Dispute between ALSTOM and MWED concerning the employees’ share of the premium cost of their benefit plan. (COUNSEL)


Dispute between ALSTOM and TCRC-CTY-E concerning the assessment of a 60-day suspension to E.L. for failure to follow Rule 42, Rule 125, IGE Section 8, Article 12.1.  (COUNSEL)


Dispute between CPKCR and TCRC-CTY-E concerning M.B. for 30 demerits for no communication to detrain and maintain 3-points of contact; 30-demerits for failure to release all handbrakes; dismissal of M.B. for the accumulation of 90-demerits. (COUNSEL)

THURSDAY, MAY 16, 2024 / JEUDI LE 16 MAI, 2024


Dispute between CPKCR and TCRC-CTY-W concerning the dismissal of R.S. for having seat reclined and feet up while on duty, rule violation of the T&E Rule book Section 2, Item 2.1, 2.2.  (COUNSEL)




Dispute between CNR and TCRC-CTY-C concerning the dismissal of C.C. who was arrested and charged with multiple offences under multiple sections of the Criminal Code of Canada. The grievor failed to notify the Company of the charges against him which led to a formal investigation. The grievor was dismissed for violation of CN’s Code of Business Conduct. (COUNSEL).


Dispute between CNR and TCRC-RTC concerning the Denial D.F. religious exemption rights. They sincerely held religious beliefs which required exemption from the Covid vaccination mandate, however they were not granted an exemption from CN, and were instead placed on unpaid leave. (COUNSEL)


Dispute between CNR and TCRC-CTY-W concerning the assessment of 30 demerits to H.J. for failure to follow CROR Rule 115 resulting in the derailment that occurred at the Patterson Elevator in Morris Manitoba, and their subsequent discharge for accumulation of demerit points. (COUNSEL)


Dispute between CNR and TCRC-CTY-W concerning the assessment of 30 demerits to S.R. for Violation of CROR 115 and CROR 114 during their tour of duty on L50151-22 on September 22, 2021 resulting in a run-through switch (BG04 East end), leading to their discharge for accumulation of demerit points. (COUNSEL)


Dispute between CNR and TCRC-CTY-W concerning the application of the remedy ordered by the Arbitrator in CROA 4883. (COUNSEL)



Dispute between CNR and TCRC-LE-W concerning D.M. and the assessment of 25 demerits for “Conduct unbecoming of a CN employee in your interactions with NWT government officials”. (COUNSEL)


Dispute between CNR and TCRC-LE-W concerning D.M. and the assessment of 35 demerits for “harassment of owner and employees of a CN contractor Hello Cabs”. (COUNSEL)


Dispute between CNR and TCRC-LE-W concerning the dismissal of D.M. for Harassment of fellow employees, conduct unbecoming and allegedly causing or contributing to a hostile work environment. (COUNSEL)


Dispute between CPKCR and UNIFOR-101R concerning the dismissal of J.D. for their refusal to participate in the alcohol and drug testing process on May 9, 2019 after they refused to perform assigned track–mobile duties. A violation of Policy HR 203 – Alcohol and Drug Policy (Canada), specifically; a. Appendix 2, section 5.2.5 – Reasonable Suspicion Testing in Procedure HR 203.1, Policy HR 203.” (COUNSEL)

THURSDAY, APRIL 11, 2024 / JEUDI LE 11 AVRIL, 2024


Dispute between CPKCR and TCRC-CTY-LE-E concerning the Company advertising and awarding positions then changing the conditions of the assignments without agreement, proper notification causing wage loss to employees. (COUNSEL)


Dispute between CPKCR and TCRC-CTY-E concerning A.J. and the assessment of a 20-day suspension for failing to protect the point and causing a one car derailment and company asset damage. Violation of CROR 115, CROR 104, T&E T-26, Operating Bulletin SO-003-23.  (COUNSEL)


Dispute between CPKCR and TCRC-CTY-E concerning the dismissal of A.J. for failure to secure a cut of cars. Violation of T&E Safety Rule Book T-14, GOI Section 4, System Bulletin-Revision to GOI Section 4 Item 6.0. (COUNSEL)


Dispute between CPKCR and TCRC-CTY-W concerning C.L. and the assessment of a 20-day suspension for lining of the main line switch without authority, causing an occupancy on the mainline and the signal to drop on the work train. Violation of Rule Book for T&E Section 4, Item 4.2(a)(e) and Section 17, Item 17.1(b). (COUNSEL)


Dispute between CPKCR and TCRC-CTY-W concerning C.L. and the assessment of a 30-day suspension for going in-between equipment without proper 3-Point Protection, at East Greely Backtrack Switch, Mile 119.6 Mountain subdivision. A violation of T&E Safety Rule book Section T-27. (COUNSEL)


Dispute between CPKCR and TCRC-CTY-W concerning the dismissal of C.L. for Conduct unbecoming of a CP employee while in attendance at the paid Canadian Pacific Locomotive Engineer training program as evidenced by the following:

·       Failing to properly participate and pay attention to the course program and instructor;

·       Sleeping while on duty, a violation of The Rule Book for T&E Employees Item 2.2 While On (d) (IV)

·       Your poor attitude and disruption to the instructor and training program.” (COUNSEL)


TUESDAY, MARCH 12, 2024 / MARDI LE 12 MARS, 2024


Litige entre CNR et USW-2004 concernant le congédiement de G.B. pout avoir pris possession d’un bien de la compagnie sans autorisation le 11 novembre 2022, en violation du code de conduite.  (AVOCAT)


Dispute between CNR and TCRC-CTY-C concerning the union contends that the Company violated Articles 7, 11, 41, 56, 61, 85, and 85.5 on September 10, 2015 when Conductor B was instructed to assemble his train from more than the minimum number of tracks at MacYard. (COUNSEL)


Dispute between CNR and TCRC-CTY-C concerning the alleged violations of Articles 2.16, 11.7, 41, 56, 61, and 85 of the 4.16 Collective Agreement for the work performed by Conductor A.S. at the arrival terminal on train Q149 on December 3, 2015.  (COUNSEL)


Dispute between CNR and TCRC-RTC concerning the denial of C.K. religious exemption rights. They sincerely held religious beliefs which required exemption from the Covid vaccination mandate, however they were not granted an exemption from CN, and was instead placed on unpaid leave. (COUNSEL)


Dispute between CNR and TCRC-RTC concerning the denial of E.M.  religious exemption rights. They sincerely held religious beliefs which required exemption from the Covid vaccination mandate, however they were not granted an exemption from CN, and was instead placed on unpaid leave. (COUNSEL)



Dispute between BOMBARDIER and TCRC concerning the dismissal of V.P. for failing certain theoretical exams which are prerequisites for continuing IALV mentoring and thus for the IAL certification exam. (COUNSEL)


Dispute between CPKCR and TCRC-CTY-E concerning the mitigation to be deducted from the compensation owed to SK following CROA 4871. (COUNSEL)


Dispute between CPKCR and MWED concerning the dismissal of C.F. for conduct unbecoming of an employee of Canadian Pacific and as evidenced by being criminally charged with sexual assault, failure to comply with conditions and assault and failure to fully participate in the investigation process.


Dispute between CPKCR and MWED concerning the dismissal of B.S. for conduct unbecoming when employee engaged in a discussion about sitting in front of a Roadmaster’s house with a gun, watched him go in and out of his house and made comments such as ‘if I was only 25 yards closer’. Rules violated Policy 1300 Discrimination and Harassment, Code of Business Ethics, Policy 4340 Violence in the Workplace.


Dispute between CPKCR and TCRC-CTY-E concerning JB and the Company’s new Return to Work Agreement provided on January 10, 2022, and the impact that this had on the Grievor’s return to the workplace including lost wages and other entitlements. (COUNSEL).

THURSDAY, MARCH 14, 2024 / JEUDI LE 14 MARS, 2024


Dispute between CPKCR and TCRC-CTY-W concerning the dismissal of E.A. for failure to properly release test and secure PT05, a violation of T&E Rule Book T-0 Job Briefing, GOI Section 13, Item 1.6 Coupling, GOI Section 4, Item 6.0 Securing Unattended Cars – all Other Tracks, Item 2.3 Confirming securement, Item 2.2 Testing Hand Brake Effectiveness, while under a Continued Employment Agreement. (COUNSEL)


Dispute between CPKCR and TCRC-LE-E concerning the dismissal of A.B. for train handling that resulted in a 2 car derailment while working on May 4, 2022, and a positive Post-Incident Substance test result for cocaine and cocaine metabolite.   (COUNSEL)


Dispute between CPKCR and TCRC-LE-W concerning the dismissal of M.S. for violation of CROR Rule G, CP Rule Book for Train and Engine Employees Item 2.1 and 2.2 and CP Alcohol and Drug Policy #HR 203 and 203.1 as evidenced by the positive oral fluid drug test results following the post incident test on March 7, 2022.  (COUNSEL)




Dispute between CNR and TCRC-CTY-C concerning the Preliminary Objection of the arbitrability of the file. (COUNSEL)


Dispute between CNR and TCRC-LE-W concerning a claim requesting payment of $618.97 to R.T. per Article 83 of the collective agreement. (COUNSEL)



Dispute between CPKCR and TCRC-CTY-W concerning V.S. and the assessment of 30 demerits and subsequent dismissal in connection with tour of duty while working as the Conductor on Train C59-14 on November 15, 2020. More specifically the derailment that occurred while shoving cars over a crossing on the Red Deer Subdivision while attempting to spot a customer; a violation of GOI Section 1, Item 32.11 Train Handling – General.

Mr. S. was dismissed for accumulation of 60 Demerits under the Hybrid Discipline and Accountability Guidelines. (COUNSEL)


Dispute between CPKCR and TCRC-CTY-W concerning D.D. for the following:

5003- The Company’s alleged failure to accommodate him.

5004- Mr. D.’s subsequent harassment complaint and allegation that the Company failed to take remedial action which he alleges led to his constructive dismissal; and

5005- The Company’s alleged continued failure to accommodate Mr. D. ultimately resulting in the eventual closure of his employment record. (COUNSEL)



Dispute between CPKCR and TCRC-CTY-E concerning the Company’s misinterpretation and incorrect application of Articles 2, 6, 18, of the Common Provisions of the Consolidated Collective Agreement, and the RAC Railway Association of Canada Work/Rest Rules. The Company has issued Bulletin CMC 022-20 to all T&E employees in Canada, which by consequence adversely affects all employees. (COUNSEL)


Dispute between CPKCR and TCRC-LE-E concerning Company’s ability to use a Locomotive Engineer (S.L.) from one pool to another pool within the same terminal, for an ad hoc trip based on arguments relating to Seniority Districts. (COUNSEL)


Dispute between CPKCR and TCRC-LE-W concerning a file closure. * Resolved between the parties. (COUNSEL)


Dispute between CPKCR and TCRC-LE-W concerning the assessment of a 45-Day suspension to R.K. for improper submission of wage claims on April 2, 2022, specifically the Locomotive Engineer Training wage claims made for March 20 and 21, 2022, when all TCRC represented employees, including yourself, were involved in a work stoppage (strike). (COUNSEL)


Dispute between CPKCR and TCRC-LE-W concerning the dismissal of R.K. for improperly paying themselves by making inappropriate wage submissions under the Honour System of Pay on August 18, 2022. (COUNSEL)