October 2013






LA COMPAGNIE DES CHEMINS DE FER NATIONAUX DU CANADA et LES MÉTALLURGISTES UNIS D’AMÉRIQUE – SECTION LOCALE 2004 litige : Contestation du non-paiement de l’assurance-maladie complémentaire de courte et de longue durée au nom de Madame Jennifer Bisson.





CANPAR TRANSPORT L. P. and UNITED STEELWORKERS – TC LOCAL 1976 re: The dismissal of Canpar Belleville employee Mr. Mark Cleary.





LA COMPAGNIE DES CHEMINS DE FER NATIONAUX DU CANADA et LE SYNDICAT NATIONAL DE L’AUTOMOBILE, DE L’AÉROSPATIALE, DU TRANSPORT ET DES AUTRES TRAVAILLEURS ET TRAVAILLEUSES DU CANADA  litige : Retrait de la pause-café de 30 minutes à compter du 26 mars 2012 pour les employés du terminal intermodal de Montréal.





LA COMPAGNIE DES CHEMINS DE FER NATIONAUX DU CANADA et LA CONFÉRENCE FERROVIAIRE DE TEAMSTERS CANADA litige : Récupération de sommes et imposition de réprimandes écrites à onze (11) employés pour réclamations injustifiées sur le train A430 à Bécancour.





VIA RAIL CANADA INC. and CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAY COMPANY and TEAMSTERS CANADA RAIL CONFERENCE (Locomotive Engineers) re: Eligibility of Mr. Mario Lemonde, Locomotive Engineer Central District, to transfer from CN to VIA under the Special Agreement.





CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAY COMPANY and TEAMSTERS CANADA RAIL CONFERENCE re: The issuance to Gary McMillan of a 90 day suspension and discharge.





CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAY COMPANY and TEAMSTERS CANADA RAIL CONFERENCE RAIL TRAFFIC CONTROLLERS re: Terry Phillips, RTC. assessed with 30 demerits for his failure to properly apply procedures as set forth in RTC Manual Item 730(a) and RTC Notice 11003, when a disabled train has crossing protection activated on February 14, 2013, and his subsequent discharge for accumulation of 80 demerit marks.





CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY and TEAMSTERS CANADA RAIL CONFERENCE re: Appeal of discharge of Locomotive Engineer Barry Moore.






CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY and TEAMSTERS CANADA RAIL CONFERENCE re: Appeal of the dismissal of Locomotive Engineer Ken Zmaeff.