October 2013
4242 |
LA COMPAGNIE DES CHEMINS DE FER NATIONAUX DU CANADA et LES MÉTALLURGISTES UNIS D’AMÉRIQUE – SECTION LOCALE 2004 litige : Contestation du non-paiement de l’assurance-maladie complémentaire de courte et de longue durée au nom de Madame Jennifer Bisson.
4243 |
CANPAR TRANSPORT L. P. and UNITED STEELWORKERS – TC LOCAL 1976 re: The dismissal of Canpar Belleville employee Mr. Mark Cleary.
4244 |
4245 |
LA COMPAGNIE DES CHEMINS DE FER NATIONAUX DU CANADA et LA CONFÉRENCE FERROVIAIRE DE TEAMSTERS CANADA litige : Récupération de sommes et imposition de réprimandes écrites à onze (11) employés pour réclamations injustifiées sur le train A430 à Bécancour.
4246 |
VIA RAIL CANADA INC. and CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAY COMPANY and TEAMSTERS CANADA RAIL CONFERENCE (Locomotive Engineers) re: Eligibility of Mr. Mario Lemonde, Locomotive Engineer Central District, to transfer from CN to VIA under the Special Agreement.
4247 |
CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAY COMPANY and TEAMSTERS CANADA RAIL CONFERENCE re: The issuance to Gary McMillan of a 90 day suspension and discharge.
4248 |
CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAY COMPANY and TEAMSTERS CANADA RAIL CONFERENCE RAIL TRAFFIC CONTROLLERS re: Terry Phillips, RTC. assessed with 30 demerits for his failure to properly apply procedures as set forth in RTC Manual Item 730(a) and RTC Notice 11003, when a disabled train has crossing protection activated on February 14, 2013, and his subsequent discharge for accumulation of 80 demerit marks.
4249 |
CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY and TEAMSTERS CANADA RAIL CONFERENCE re: Appeal of discharge of Locomotive Engineer Barry Moore.
4250 |
CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY and TEAMSTERS CANADA RAIL CONFERENCE re: Appeal of the dismissal of Locomotive Engineer Ken Zmaeff.