
Parties and Dispute


Canadian Pacific Railway Company And Brotherhood Of Maintenance Of Way Employees Ex Parte Dispute: Claim on behalf of Mr. Chris Adamiak.


Canadian National Railway Company And United Transportation Union Ex Parte Dispute: Violation of article 56 of agreement 4.16. Implementation of an appropriate remedy consistent with the provisions of article 85, addendum 123 of agreement 4.16.


Canadian National Railway Company And United Transportation Union Ex Parte Dispute: Violation of article 22 and appendix AJ of agreement 4.2. Implementation of an appropriate remedy consistent with the provisions of article 85, addendum 123 of agreement 4.16.


Canadian National Railway Company And United Transportation Union Ex Parte Dispute: Violation of article 57 of agreement 4.16. Implementation of an appropriate remedy consistent with the provisions of article 85, addendum 123 of agreement 4.16.


Canadian National Railway Company And United Transportation Union Ex Parte Dispute: Violation of agreement 4.16, including articles 27 and 30. Implementation of an appropriate remedy consistent with the provisions of article 85, addendum 123 of agreement 4.16.


Canadian National Railway Company And United Transportation Union Ex Parte Dispute: Violation of articles 85.3, 84.2(b), 84.6, 82.1 and 62 of agreement 4.16 and the harassment and intimidation of a duly elected union representative contrary to the Canada Labour Code and the collective agreement.


La Compagnie Des Chemins De Fer Nationaux Du Canada Et Les Travailleurs Unis Des Transports (Requête Émanant D'une Seule Partie) Litige: Abolition des trains 122-123 et 136-137 entre Montréal et Halifax à compter du 10 décembre 2002 et 3 février 2003, respectivement.


Canadian Pacific Railway Company And Brotherhood Of Maintenance Of Way Employees Dispute: Dismissal of Mr. R. Veerasammy.


Via Rail Canada Inc. And National Automobile, Aerospace, Transportation And General Workers Union Of Canada (Caw-Canada) Ex Parte Dispute: Concerning the dismissal of Mr. Tim O'Connor.


Via Rail Canada Inc. And National Automobile, Aerospace, Transportation And General Workers Union Of Canada (Caw-Canada) Ex Parte Dispute: Concerning the assessment of 20 and 15 demerits to bilingual, Toronto Sales Agent, Mr. Kevin Toal.


Via Rail Canada Inc. And National Automobile, Aerospace, Transportation And General Workers Union Of Canada (Caw-Canada) Ex Parte Dispute: Concerning a written reprimand and twenty-five demerits assessed to Mr. Kevin Toal.